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(1 edit)

i dont think im older, also my parents dont have a Nintendo and i dont need a Nintendo. i have a pc and a xbox plus a 360(welll the xbox  1 and 360 arnt really set up but still, a pc is fine for gaming besides i play wceu on roblox and its fun(i play it alot). 

You did not get it! Make adult things doesn't mean you will get success. Example "Nintendo". Is good to trust yourself, but it could fool you. Girl, take a step back, think about yourself. Listen to what people said. If you want to make something new and asking for ideas, take these examples and be creative "Limbo/Fez/Baba Is You".

Good Luck.

i know "baba is you", also i dont need help with coming up with ideas.

baba is you is a sokoban game by gdevelop.

Fez, IDK

Limbo, that game is dangerous for new players because it needs memorixing

heres a sneak peek