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Sorry to hear it. Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling it?

If that doesn't work let me know what platform you're using and if it's giving any error messages. -Oz 

It did not. I got it from here and use windows? there aren't any error messages, it just has a white screen when I start it and it closes. there isn't even a crash report.

Ok. My current guess is that there's an issue with which renderer is being automatically chosen for your PC.

If you mess around with selecting different options outlined in the link, you may find one that launches properly. If that doesn't work you can DM me the log.txt file in the game folder and I'll investigate more. -Oz

what do I DM you on? I just need to know if I need to make an account on something or not. already tried that link's stuff before messaging to begin with. actually made it close faster.

Discord Obcerd#3891

Telegram @Obcerd

it's not letting me send the file. I keep getting an error messag