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So far really enjoying the story and characters. I do have some questions? Or perhaps not questions but theories? I haven't played Day 10 yet so perhaps these get answered a bit? who knows. but they are spoilers so!

Spoiler warning!

They made a learning AI for the guardians to translate English into Coraynn in their heads, the AI is collecting the words and linking them through context WITH the addition of having the dictionary from MC's phone. SO surely they can use the same AI and its database and put it on a monitor to translate coraynn's written language into english for the MC to use. Right? So either they haven't thought of that or they really don't want MC to have access to anything even though i imagine they could restrict it heavily anyway.

Also the thing about the days being named the same, Marrow's theory would make sense however why would "marks" be used in place of hours if the MC's translating power was changing the day names to make the most sense, since "marks" didn't make sense at all to MC.