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had the chance to play this game, and overall here is some feedback!

Art: 10/10 - Pixel art style is pretty awesome, some minor tweaks to the bullets giving them more of a pop. 

Here is some general feedback from the gameplay loop.  The overall game play is pretty simple (being made in 3 days, I can see why) which isn't a bad thing at all, gives me old school arcade vibes from it. The forcefield or shield is a bit too OP, i played for a high score of 8000 just picking up the shield the entire time without shooting, when the shield ran out, I grabbed a health pack and went back into the shields. (could be a achievement or even a reward) if you toned down the use of the shield there is a bit more gameplay to use. there is also no visual or audio queue when the shield time is finished. adding a visual such as the shield getting smaller or turning red to indicated that it is finishing along with some kind of audio queue (Maybe a warning beep or something similar). 

Next there is not audio cue for player health, It is displayed in the top left and as a visual on the player ship when damaged but when a bullet hits there is nothing that tells you it was a hit, adding a small sound can improve the overall experience of the game. Small things like audio make a big difference.

Finally, The game is pretty enjoyable. minor tweaks to the game play mechanics along with some UI Tweaks (I've quit the game a few times when i wanted to "apply" the settings until i realized they automatically apply once you move the sliders. (some kind of visual queue like a small label can help with that. and I can see it being a fun chill arcade game to play.  

Thank you so much for the detailed review!! I plan to remake this at one point and I will be sure to fix everything you pointed out. I appreciate you!