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(5 edits) (+1)

Interesting and compelling characters, surprisingly long run time in a good way.

Full disclosure, I got into this game for the vore but stayed for the world and  characters. On the vore front, it's pretty tame. Imo the vore stuff is relatively infrequent and plays second fiddle to the stuffing content. 

The characters are believable and well written. They go from funny and sarcastic to serious and it all feels appropriate for the corresponding parts of the story. There's a couple one dimensional joke characters but otherwise all of the main cast is expertly done. The characters kept me interested more than the fetish content by end. I would recommend playing just for the humor and characters. The art is cute too. 

Spoilers below

Kinda wish the snake woman won though. She bad😵‍💫. I like that evil shameless pred thing, even if she is revealed to not be exactly that. I was as getting a bit tired of Amber's vore guilt towards the end of the story (0.6.1 as of writing this comment). I'm hoping that the next update brings some sort of resolution for her inner conflict with her uh voreish desires. You can tell she wants it from her giantess dream sequence but is also still a human being and doesn't want to actually hurt innocent people. I do find Amber's insistence that what she does isn't vore and that she doesn't like vore to be quite funny. 

I think stories that include vore have a really hard line to toe between keeping the characters humanity and being able to reconcile that with the whole vore thing. It's not an enviable position. Imo if you have a voreish protagonist in a story that goes beyond simple vore smut tropes, you sort of have to deal with guilt as a concept. I think it's the most interesting moral question to ask in a world that has vore as a part of it's story; how do you deal with the guilt surrounding those desires? I think maybe vorarephiles have to think about those questions for themselves on an individual level too, so if that's your audience it's a very interesting thing to explore.  We probably all empathize with Amber more as a regular human with feelings vs as a gluttonous sociopathic killing machine. The latter really wouldn't make sense in this story given the context, even if I personally think it would be fun. 

A small amount of criticism, I found the "dodge moving things" sections to be annoying and detract from the overall pacing. Maybe I just suck at the controls in these types of games but I found them to be pretty difficult and had to repeat some of them 10+ times to get past. I think they could stand to move a touch slower. The block moving puzzles got a bit tedious in the mall level. I think the second one in the mall level could probably use a checkpoint like the third one has. The hospital level was surprisingly dark tonaly compared to the rest of the game, especially with the flesh room stuff. Maybe I just took it that way due to irl stuff but it felt out of place to me. If it's possible an auto save feature would be nice.  Sometimes I would forget to save and lose a combat section and have to fast forward through a lot to catch back up. 

Anyway, this comment got out of control. Kept thinking of more things to say and it's not like I have anyone in my irl to talk about this stuff with. I will definitely be looking eagerly to future updates and any future work you do. Great work! :)