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Sounds like you're low on VRAM. :3 There are several things that you can try:

1) Close InvokeAI and check how much VRAM is already used up by the system in your task manager. Try to close stuff that you don't need and check if it lowers the VRAM usage.

2) Disable the NSFW checker, as it also needs some VRAM. You have to restart InvokeAI so the setting is applied.

3) Disable the in-progress preview, because it also needs VRAM. You can disable it in the tool on the cogwheel in the top right -> Display In-Progress Images -> None

4) There is a --free_gpu_mem option that will save VRAM. It will slow the generation a bit, though. To activate it, you have to open invokeai_2_3_0_standalone\invokeai\invokeai.init in a text editor and add the line after one of the upper rows. But I'd first check if the rest works. :3