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So I've come with some critique. Namely involving frames and default mouse sensitivity. I'll start with the most important one. I'm not sure what was updated in the club/pizzeria, but it is causing an immense lag spike. Like from the office staring down towards Freddi's (sorry, I don't remember her actual name) stage, the game goes from crisp 60 to a 15 frames. Combined that with the mouse sensitivity being way too high (even on low according to the in-game settings) and you have motion sickness and vomit inducing movement. Look into these in the next update because I can't have a fun time if the game can't run very well.

And before you think my computer is to blame, the previous version of the game, 1.5 I believe, ran great without any issues. Just figured I'd bring it to your attention.

Deleted 360 days ago

i have the same problem