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I just had the weirdest thing happen that I'm not sure how to properly replicate it as I wasn't paying attention. I'll write down what happened to the best I can.

I had just finished Synth Purity Challenge 4/4, reset to do Base Carry 3/6, finished that, went afk for a few minutes, changed the ship weapons and shields around, started Core Computing 7/9 (I was at 6/9 completed), and it immediately completed just as the prestige reset was happening. I was at 6/9, started the challenge with a reset, now at 7/9 at Sector 1.

Odd, I tried to recreate it and failed, but ill keep an eye out.

I wish I could be of more help, but I was not paying attention to what exactly I did / where I was that could have caused it. I hope others can help more on the matter if it does happen again.

could you share your weapon loadouts and tips for this challenges? Cause I'm somewhat stuck. I have a full warptree for a 0.30v and currently at sector 52