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Hey! Just tried to download and install release 1.1 and am getting a "pdxinfo is missing" error through the sideloading UI at Am I missing something?

(1 edit)

Huh, I haven’t seen this before. Did you have a previous version installed before or is this a fresh install? I just double checked and it works for me as expected. Are you sure you’re uploading the .pdx file to the website and not some .zip for instance?

I was getting an error also: "Incorrect file type, please try again." I deleted the PDX from my computer, and downloaded another copy from Itch (same version), and everything worked as expected. Not sure that helps much!

I did silently re-upload the .pdx file yesterday after seeing the comment. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t think it made a difference, but maybe that was it. Thanks for letting us know!

 I downloaded my new copy this AM, so yes,  maybe that was the issue!

Thanks for the reply! I've re-downloaded Music Box today and it has installed just fine. Answering the Qs below in case it's useful…

> Did you have a previous version installed before or is this a fresh install?

This was a fresh install.

> Are you sure you’re uploading the .pdx file to the website and not some .zip for instance?

I was uploading the `.zip` of the game downloaded from (``). Playdate's web sideloading UI asks for "a zipped .pdx file".

This is because the extension on the uploaded file is not set incorrectly.  The current file `music_box_1.1.pdx` is not a PDX archive, it is a zip file containing the PDX archive.  If you rename it to `` then will happily accept the file.

Interesting, thanks for letting me know. I’ll look into this right now but I find it super weird. What I upload to is definitely a .pdx file…


I’ve re-uploaded once more. This time explicitly as a, and this seems to download the right thing now at least for me.

I just re-uploaded the file. Could you please try downloading it again? Sorry for the inconvenience!