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(30 edits) (+1)

*** WITHOUT  COMMAND  LINE Access *** - you;

● won't be able to use InvokeAI's inbuilt converter (via command line) - that is, you won't be able to update your old models to the newer "diffuser" format.

● won't be able to run the 'batch render' to automate a quantity of renders, so you'll have to sit and enter data every minute for hours on end.

Quick & easy install method with problems down the track ......

(1 edit)

Actually, this is a full InvokeAI install, so you can still use the command line. :3 

The "helper.bat" basically calls the InvokeAI installation via the command line. So you can make a copy of that one and adapt it to your needs. :)

Edit: You can update models to diffuser from within the UI, when you load it normally -> Edit -> Convert to Diffuser. The button is a bit hidden, sadly. :/