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Uh... I just got got by a big yellow girl that I didn't know existed? Then her eyes bled and she didn't get added to the gallery.


That's golden freddy. You can get her randomly sometimes. She is supposed to be mysterious, which is why she isn't added to the gallery. If you encounter her, she will appear on your desk. To send her away before she jumpscares you, just go to cam 3 on your monitor, and she should go away. 

(1 edit) (+1)

If you want her other sex scene that's locked, you have to beat 4/20 mode I think, and enter 6969 as the difficulty in the custom night.

4/20 isn't golden freddy its all the animatronics but golden freddy 


But if you set the difficulty to 6969, then you do get golden freddy's sex scene, you don't have to play the night. 

youd expect 6969 to be foxy since... yeahhh but at least theres a way to get the golden freddy scene


Lmao, good point, but yeah that sex scene it Golden Freddy's.