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I'm giving it my all to learn SDL2 and I have made quite a good progress if I do say so myself. So far, SDL2 is just downright amazing. It's low-level, difficult, lots of code and all but it's still good.

OOP with SDL2 is incredibly easy and perfect. It's low-level for which you have to write much more code but you get much more control over your game. Writing a lot of code isn't really a problem as long as you abide with OOP for reusable code which is really helpful. You can use OpenGL with SDL2 if you want, SDL2 has been around for decades, SDL2 is under active development, SDL2 has a large community, SDL2 games work on a lot of platforms etc.

Seriously, SDL2 might be difficult and low-level and you have to write lots of code or probably the fact that it's mainly used with C/C++. But it has a lot of pros and is heavenly to me. I only started learning about a week ago and I've made nice progress.