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great experience!! it's like totally more complex than the first one and i love that hahahha. poor nasty little man varai!! i made a silly non canon ending guide bc i fixated on the series for the past few days idk if this ruins the fun or something but it exists


this guide was made to complete WBB without deleting any game data. the "or" in the recommended guide means that you can complete either before the other without affecting gameplay limits!

recommended order of gameplay ;

varai ; "your own beloved parasite"  or  jawtay ; "digestion sensation"

jeff ; "beer"  or  jeff ; "different ending"

varai ; "he still loves you"

jeff ; "your heart is his now"

jawtay ; "liquified face"

dice ; you can play any of his endings, anytime throughout the game


green ending ; "your own beloved parasite"

-  only the last choice in varai's routes chooses the ending, regardless of how you treat him.

-  [ you have same feelings ]

an ending ; "he still loves you"

-  this ending will trigger jeff's "your heart is his now" ending, and will lock jeff's endings.

-  [ you don't love him ]


red ending ; "kiss of death"

-  only the third choice in dice's routes chooses the ending, regardless of what you do for him.

-  [ just watch ]

-  [ ask about his eye ]

red ending ; "death under wheels."

-  [ just watch ]

-  [ ask about pink Dice ]

red ending ; "broken neck."

-  your first choice doesn't matter for this ending.

-  [ interfere ]


red ending ; "digestion sensation"

-  this is the ending you get on your first run of jawtay's routes.

-  you do nothing.

red ending ; "liquified face"

-  this is the ending you get on your second run of jawtay's routes.

-  this ending will lock jeff and jawtay's routes.

-  you did nothing.


red ending ; "beer"

-  only the last choice in jeff's routes chooses the ending, regardless of if you tell him he's a clone or not.

-  [ get the ending ]

red ending ; "different ending"

-  [ ask for something else ]

red ending ; "your heart is his now"

-  complete varai's "he still loves you" ending.

-  attempt jeff's route.


-   NAKED!!!! love them for that tbh. just watching, ass facing the world.


if you cannot access an ending, try resetting the game. to reset the game, you need to delete its persistent data in ren'py. be sure to put the game file into "create new project".

when naming yourself "duke", you cannot access varai's and jeff's routes. this is not permanent if you name yourself something else.

you cannot tell jeff that he's a clone (or not) after the first time.

you can find a cool sprite for jeff after his face gets liquified!!!