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A custom ctp song. 

It's based on the SCREAM movies, more so the setting is based on the 1st movie kinda

Lore: There's not really that much lore to it, the backstory and stuff I don't have a full idea for, so I'm gonna go full dead meat and show you the kills~!

First death: Just a random person, they aren't a character that has relevance, just like the first 2 kills in scream, so I'll just say a random name... hmmmm... "Shane Bellows". There. They were found with multiple stab wounds, with a fatal stab through the stomach. Found by his family. 

Second death: Soip Alexander, found dead by logger and James. Soip had an eye wound, broken bone in his mid-arm. A large Crack was found in his head, he was killed by blunt force trauma. Bonus: James takes the place of Dewey in this timeline!!!!

Third death: Edge "EEGGEE" Vindestine. Found with broken legs and a fatal stab in the brain with a cleaver. There were also notable scratches on his left hand. Found by Opheebop and Kevin, and cheese. 

Fourth death: Sains Goridge, found dead by electrocution, frying his brain. Also his replacement eye had been removed, no doubt this hindered him. There were bullet holes found in his home where he died, meaning his eye was likely removed to stop him from getting a clear shot. He was found by eidk, James, and Kevin. It's also notable that Deidk had been labeled as a suspect, having been found around the area of soip and Sains' deaths, however there was no physical or DNA evidence, but the main 3 (James, eidk, and Kevin) were keeping an eye out.

Fifth death: Yellow Whitener, shot and killed by accident by ello. At this point in the timeline, ello has brung a lot of people together in his house to try and help each other relax and calm from all the murder. Yellow has broken in to do some of his own investigation and to just spy on borb. Ello was frightened and shot yellow when they saw yellow holding a knife with blood on it, which yellow had found and was going to show Deidk, since Deidk had started investigating too.

Ello was terrified now. Most had evacuated now, the only ones left on the premises were eidk, coolguy, cricket, Aetrul, Lagstep, ello, borb, and radical. Radical takes borb to safety. 

Sixth death: Ello Evergaze, just a TON of stab wounds. Like Jesus FUCK. Aetrul was terrified as he was the one who found it. Eidk was searching for the killer, after having called James to come quick. Kevin and James were on they're way, with more police. 

Lagstep was reassuring aetrul that everything would be okay, but then...

Seventh death: Lagstep Jay Rhodes was then stabbed repeatedly and before the killers could get aetrul, Aetrul ran away very quickly. Eidk saw the killers, one was searching the house for Aetrul while the second was fighting eidk, eidk got a few cuts, but then they end up back in the kitchen... Lagsteps body right in the middle of both of them. 

"Couldn't find em. HEY EIDK!!"



James and Kevin arrive and coolguy is shot dead, as they turn around and the instrumental comes to a close, coolguy gets back up and tries to stab them, one more guitar rift is played as Deidk just swooshes in and shoots coolguy one last time.

This took all day, please if you like it, give like a detailed thing, so I can know what I did good and what I did bad. Have a good day!!!

(1 edit)

holy shit! this is really good!

best response ever i know :thumbs up:

This is so good, from start to end, absolutely crazy. Fucking cheers man, let's see EEGGEE top this one! Insane man, INSANE (LOUD). The lore is amazing, the animations are amazing! The part where Coolguy kills Cricket was so smooth!!!!! LOVE IT. BRAVO, BRAVO! KEEP IT UP!