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Just tried this last night. It really is special. Got the longest periods of presence yet in a game. Felt like really being in virtual reality more than anything I've played yet. Also this is such a natural fit for Quest , visually and physically. Had a cool idea too :  One of my favourite things in the game  is being able to peer out of the "windows". Got me wondering : how cool would it be to have static avatars in the distant windows of other structures . To travel to these you could simply walk into their local "mirror" copy in the room where you currently are. ( really really hard to describe!)  As well as opening up many gameplay possibilities, it might be refreshing to feel that you'd really "moved" a great distance and to see the complex you'd previously been in from an outside POV. Hope that makes some sort of sense! Anyway, really great work, look forward to diving in again later today.

Thanks :)

I think that I don't understand that part about walking "into their local "mirror" copy". On the other hand, I have in plans seeing places you are going to visit and those you've already been to. The windows, vistas in open space sections are going to be used for that. At the moment there is just that enormous tower in the distance that is the only point of reference (and the destination of your adventure).

BTW I loved Nodes of Yesod (zx), from a bit similar titles, I also liked Underwurlde. I can't imagine myself playing them now. Although I do still enjoy Tau Ceti, probably my favourite from the era.