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(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply!

I'll be sure to check out that outline script, anything that works is good with me :)

I've been using Base Offset to center my text, but I'm just a bit ocd when it comes to this stuff haha. I'm terrible at eyeballing things, and I keep getting the feeling that it's off center. TMP defaults in a nice centered position, so I wondered if I could get similar default behavior with STM, but the Base Offset is more than good enough. Just to calm my compulsions a bit, I've also overlaid some TMP text over the STM text for the purposes of centering it perfectly (then deleting the TMP). I realize this is a bit insane, but I digress.

Thanks for the script offer, but that's a bit overkill for my purposes. Working with STM in code is also really easy, so I'm sure I could come up with something if I really needed to.

Once again, thanks for the quick reply.

Amazing asset :)