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Hi I just wanna say some of my thoughts here before i sleep, so do you ever had a maladaptive daydream? Im sure you did... Ofc every person have a mind and imagination so they can have daydreams i have maladaptive daydream.. its not serious but it considered to be a mental problem that develops in a young age.. since im 6 y/o i already have maladaptive daydreaming and at first its not bad and i rarely daydream when i was a kid.But when i grew up and knew some stories in wattpad, i started to daydream day and night.. i thought it's just nothing but i did a little research last week and i saw some symptoms i have and it freaks me out.. doctors said that its a mental health problem..i took some test and it confirmed i have maladaptive daydreaming thing and its not alarming at first but you must be careful.. alot of people that has maladaptive daydreams can't control their daydreams and they often speak to themselves.. and some people actually spend 4 and half hours a day for daydream or 6 hours.. and it really freaks me out,i dont actually daydream that much and i only imagine at night so for me its not alarming or a mental health problem.but i still careful when daydreaming.. specially at day or school..

Thats all thank you for wasting your time
