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good stuff! I remember reading the original comic and I think it being in game form adds to the mental transformations, I like being able to observe things and having different responses depending on your IQ. hope it gets updated frequently and finished, but I remember the comic being like 500+ pages long so I can see it taking a while. only criticism I have is it's not super clear when you can/should be looking around for extra dialogue and when you're not allowed to, the game seems to have a lot of trial and error that isn't a big deal right now but I could see it adding up if it gets longer. I never found the porn in the preview icon and the few times I tried looking around I was met with "I shouldn't be doing this right now" so I kind of just gave up after a while. 

that's a lot of negativity though for what I think is so far a promising VN. I think your mental degradation writing works super well for games and in the future I can see you potentially doing some interesting game design mechanics related to it. best of luck!


Thanks for this comment! It's been super helpful reading your experiences with the extra dialogue options and the troubles you had with them. I've been working on a way to make them more obvious and unmissable.

I'm glad you enjoyed the original comic :D I'm really looking forward to having this game branch off in different directions depending on the choices the player makes. It's a really good format as, unlike in the comic, there are a whole bunch of directions the story can go in. But, like you said, it's going to take a while... Plus I'm still learning how to actually use Unity...
But hearing people enjoy it is really motivating! Thanks :D