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from my experience playing the game what you've proposed is a valid next step as the skills, and therefore the combat, has never been the greatest.

personally the stat I would always put everything into was the charisma one as it effected what I believed to be the main premise of the game: dialogue and character interaction. so it would be nice if it stayed in one form or another.

personally I believe the combat system could use some tweaks on top of the skills rework. like the amulet giving you an extra stamina compared to a card that gives only one.

but I'm getting off topic a bit, from what I read with your rework idea you're moving away from three general skills/stats to multiple skills that increase there own thing. while reading both your and other's ideas I've decided to give my idea.

Skill #1: this should be something that boosts your sword attack by 3-5% per level and at max maybe it will decrease the stam cost of attacking by 25-50%

Skill #2: this needs to be a way to help us take hits, you could increase the players health by 2-6% per level and give the player an extra 1-3 stam at max or give an extra 2-4% block power and at max decrease the stam cost of blocking by 25-50%

Skill #3: would most likely be much like the charisma stat is now in giving us new diolauge options, lower item prices and maybe at max allow us to get a higher selling price.

Skill #4: would increase item drop chance by 5-10% and at max give us a % chance to gain an extra item.

Skill #5: increasing crit chance by 1-5% per level and adding a %chance to gain a bonus attack at max maybe?

the player could chose how to invest in those five at the start an then you could make it so that the player has to seek out the other skills they want from learning them from other characters, these characters requiring you to do some quest to gain the requirement to unlock them.

no joke I just had a better one come to me in a dream.

what about having five "Skills" and a choice to unlock "techniques" to expand upon how we learn how to heal ourselves in combat? (I took liberties on the old names of the skills however the second part, the "techniques", is where the biggest change is.)

(Skill #1) Hunter's flexibility: putting points into this skill gives you a better chance to hit even the slipperiest of foes and increases the amount of moves you can make before getting hit. (Hit/crit chance and stam increase)

(Skill #2) Combat Training: putting points into this skill raises the amount of damage your body can withstand and strengthens the base damage of your attacks. (Hp and attack)

(Skill #3) Charisma: putting points into this skill raises your eloquence, giving you better deals in the market and helping you talk your way through many situations. (speak better to characters and better market prices.)

(Skill #4) Survivalist: putting points into this skill allows you bonus loot and helps you block blows better. (basically Hunter's instinct just sounds different.)

(Skill #5) 

now the fun part. I'm thinking we can have up to 3-5 "techniques" that we unlock through quest rewards (again, like the healing) and further upgrade through though the character we got it from. (though maybe if you unlock one you can't pick another like picking swords over archery and vice versa.) here are a few example ideas I had, have fun!

Combat Medic (couldn't think of a better name): as the technique gets upgraded I'm thinking that maybe the bandage card we can use in battle in previous versions (I've only played the free to this point as I don't have the money spare). it starts as a simple patch me up, revitalizing us some of our health and stopping bleed and over three to five levels it heals a little more.

 Bow Specialist: the technique focuses on the bow, increasing it's single target damage and sometimes interrupting attacks..

Sword Specialist: the technique focuses on the sword, dealing heavier blows and wider swings for more damage to multiple enemies and often leaving them with bleed.

Monster fighter: the technique focuses on adding extra damage in non-human combat encounters (just something I added for fun, I really don't expect this to make it at least).

Con artist: (this one's mostly to add a fun minigame to add another way to make money.) after winning against the drunk so many times in a cup game he eventually bargains the cups themselves! now you may set up the game in the market to rack in the coins. (a speed betting game, the faster you press the arrow keys that appear the faster you shuffle the cups and less likely they guess which one the prize is in. However if you shuffle it too fast then less people will try their luck.)