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Yup, it will be something similar. And yes, on the price of the final product we'll take into account people that supported us on patreon. We still have to think a bit more about the details about all this, though.

(1 edit)

so purchasing now will get me the following updates? Also I just absolutely adore your work, not only is it high quality in every way, but, and I dunno if this is gonna sound weird, one of the endings from space paws genuinely made me re-evaluate my goals in life, cause your game engrossed me so much when I was done I was thinking "why do I feel if I was there I would be happiest in this ending?" (the one with Siaren) and it made me realize I was much more family oriented than the professional oriented person I thought I was, and I just wanna say thank you and appreciate that no matter if it's weird or not

Nope. Purchasing updates is for every update. Anyway, it's easier for us to give the final version of the game to patrons, because we can easily see the lifetime support of that patron. Even if you just pledge when there's a release of the game, for us it's easier later to give discount or other rewards.
And it's not weird you share this with us. We really like hearing stuff from this. We like to thing that our games can give something more besides the adult content.

alright, thanks for the reply, I'll 100% be purchasing the finished product as I've loved what I've seen so far

actually crap I do have one more question, does this also apply to the walkthrough and cheats included purchase option?