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Wonderful graphics, the explosions feel rewarding, the general vibe of the game is cohesive and feels great!

The enemies are fun to kill, there's a good amount of variability in enemy types, and they're well designed to feel rewarding to "pop"

I think 2 places with a little room for improvement are 1) the missile enemies spelled game over for me whenever I ran into them (if found the spreading 3 missiles after initial missile explosion hard to track / dodge but I'm probably just not great a the game yet) and difficulty spikes seem to be tied more to types of enemies generated rather than length of playtime

Overall this is great so far, feels extremely polished, and I'm excited to see where y'all take it!


Thank you so much for all the amazing feedback, not only did you give us a great boost with your kind words you also put ur money where your mouth is. I wish we could express to you how much this means, the only thing we can think of is to immortalize you within our game for being one of the very first to back us financially. We have just completed a new devlog for our v0.2 we would love for you to take a look and let us know if we addressed any of the issues you come across before. We will be keeping an eye on your game also, if you even need feedback for updates dont hesitate to contact us, thats if we dont get there first :) Thank u so much again!!! you really are a star.