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Usually when I see a Windows, Mac, *and* Mobile version available I just assume the Windows version includes a executable Linux version.  Bit disappointing that it wasn't there.  Didn't tinker too much or attempt to get it running in WINE, but going through the picture folders was fun!  Looks like a good game.  Reminds me a bit of Little Man.


We do have a dedicated Linux version, I guess it was only posted on subscribestar though - there's not many of y'all out there haha but I'll try to post the link here later officially, but here it is for you

(2 edits) (+1)

Whoa!  Thank you!

EDIT:  this is just an fyi.  No need to take action because the game works.

The game works when I run ./nw
after I run:
chmod +x chrome_crashpad_handler
chmod +x nw

For whatever reason ./ throws an error.
"bash: ./ /usr/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"

I *think* this is because was created on a Windows machine and adds some invisible characters to the .sh file that bash doesn't like. is 70bytes.  When I recreate the file it's 66 bytes ....anyway it's not an issue.

Copying and pasting the contents of to a new file that I called, saving, making it executable with 'chmod +x' and running that instead fixed the problem.  Also just running nw works. :D
chmod +x nw chrome_crashpad_handler
I haven't had time to play it past the main character entering his new apartment but I'm enthusiastic!


I will pass this along to my developer, he's the one that made the linux build and everything you just explained confuses and terrifies me - I just draw nice boobs haha

Have fun with the game!