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im on a 64 bit windows 11 and when i launch the game im greeted with a gray screen and autumn leaves. no menu, but there are sounds that indicate there is one im not seeing. i can start the game, there is a fox that walks around then falls asleep but idk if i move it, i just press space and a bunch of mouse buttons. then i sort of get teleported to a house with a rabbit. it glitches out and teleports next to the fox and the game freezes. no ui. idk what to do

(5 edits) (-1)

Ye thats a bug.Try clicking on unity crash handler.Its under the game.

Basiscally this :


Tho if that doesnt help,then you might have to redonwlad the game :P  

(btw that fox  is actually a Raccoon,and the rabbit is actually the easter bunny)

Not working still.

(1 edit)

oh,then i guess try redonwlading the game,as thats  honestly your only option(i think).

Not working.

(3 edits)

well then,i guess you could try  asking developers for help :P

Basically with this :

(also sorry for the big  delay).