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i will begin from the disadvantage,i guess

the choices in different color is not such a good idea, hard to read the words in the white textbox.

what's others,emm, characters are colourful and lovely, stories are real( at least real as what i faced), some emotions aren't deep  enough through the game play, but it do touches me.

as a Chinese and German mixed blood, within a asia face and european skin, and a les now, seriously, it's such a surprise to found the game, really luv it, and can't wait to play the part3( livin in china makes me hardly browsing Twitter and made my shitty grammer, sorry of that)

ps:another lovely things is about the novel, before i fall, so glad of me when i see the poem and the rose in part2( also the rose trick were mentioned in part1, i luv that novel)