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Currently, the trifold contains all the rules for solo/co-op play. I'm considering releasing a proper multiplayer module in the future, but I'd say:

  • PLAYER LIMIT: I think 2-3 players would be my personal top. The only thing you might realize is that facing Curses may be too easy with their current Strengths. So don't hesitate to boost that up a bit. Doubling their values should do the trick, I think. (where did you see that "7 player games"? I don't think I've written that anywhere?)
  • DECKS: At first, I thought about a single deck of cards for the whole group, to keep Rests in sync and all. That being said, if we boost the Strengths of Curses, then you might end up running out of cards with a single deck. I'd say go with one deck per player!
  • TEST SUBJECT: You most probably will, ahah! I'm eager to see how it goes, so please don't hesitate to send me an email when you end up playing.

Good luck with those beacons!