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Nice game, it has a lot of story and great ideas. I agree with other comments, like giving each character a distinct color, so it's more clear.
And about the last interactions loosing some of the rhythm. I think explaining less, but in a more natural way would be better. But, for a jam game, I appreciate keeping it short and to the point, so we can get the concept, rate it and go to play the other submission.
One criticism I would personally give is the lack of choices, there wasn't much interactions (2 or 3) so it felt more like a novel than a game. I know that we have a lot of a time restriction, but I'd have liked more instances where we as players could choose the dialog (even if it didn't change the ending at all, but just to feel more impactful on our side).
Anyways, you did a great job and managed to submit in two jams, so congrats ♥


Ahhh thank you so much for your feedback HydriaSensus!!

I can see you really put in effort into reading the vn and much is really appreciated! Of course I will go back and make the neccessary changes for it to be as good as possible; applying all the feeback I have received so far. Your explanation and well constructed critisism has helped a lot and I will be taking it to heart.

Thank you for playing TLS and taking the time out of your day to speak about your experience~