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The game is really cool, I did also encountered some bugs when respawning, being pushed out of the platform, but I reloaded the game and kept playing.
I like the mechanics and idea, there was a small delay between the robots getting hit and dying (maybe it could be the same delay, but playing a destroying animation). Some times the throwing was too strong, a nice way to fix that could be setting the strenght based of how much time do you press the button until release. 
The last feedback I can give you is about level design, I manage to skip all restricted areas and guards (since they ignore you in normal areas if you are not holding the virus), just by throwing the virus side to side and running. So I found a lot of areas unnecesary, didn't need to go there or play as intended. So the game can really benefit by redesigning the levels in a way you are forced to use all the mechanincs puzzle-wise. 
I enjoyed playing your game, you did a great job.