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Operation Ghost Moon is a mini scenario for FIST about video-projecting into space to fight USSR separatists before they break a martian treaty.

The PDF is 2 pages, with a dense and technical feel to its layout that makes it look like an object from the game's setting. The text is small and requires magnification to read, but is otherwise cleanly laid out.

Lore-wise, this is a beautifully gonzo concept. Every sentence implies a giant swathe of FIST metaplot, and all of it feels as coherent as it is wild.

That said, some knowledge of Stanley Kubrik's 2001: A Space Odyssey is required to GM.

Overall, this is a great shotgun scenario and a perfect addition to the author's catalog of FIST work. If you're looking for a FIST adventure that stands fully on its own, or if you've just gotten into FIST and want to get a feel for the setting, absolutely play this.