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Oh man, I'm sorry for the save file thing... I must've forgotten the test savefile in there.

Yeah, I've noticed the text error too, maybe the string is way too long. I'll truncate it later to see if it fixes itself.

Good thinking about the VIP unlock code, I'll look into case conversion!

The Halloween deck was time-limited! It'll be available next halloween again along with new cards added ;)

(3 edits) (+1)

No worries for the save file, I've just found a backup of my save from a month ago that I had no idea I had, so I haven't lost too much after all :)
Anyway, I mostly wanted to warn you about the issue before someone else could lose their save. Since you've released a new update, it's all good.
Also, the shorter news text works fine and it's great that you made the VIP code work better :)
Thanks for clarifying about the Halloween deck and for answering my message!