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TL;DR - Like everyone else I got this game originally for the girls but I stay for the incredibly immersive story, this is genuinely one of the best Adult VNs on the site.

0.5 Spoilers below

I really liked the more slice of life bits after the intense Eternum chapters from before. I think the pacing fits well. 

Luna's whole family are batshit and I love every minute. Mr Hernandez has quickly become one of my favourite characters. The charisma that man wields is on another level. Pancho the chicken is easily the best addition to the Eternum cinematic universe. The family meal as a whole was a nice little moment of peace and Luna's day of the dead outfit and makeup was absolutely gorgeous. The music in all of these scenes was absolutely fantastic.

The college party was fun, Nova looked great as Jinx and the pervy graphics card kid's game was funny. Also, personal preference, Penelope's bitch rival was still smoking hot, the models for these people are top tier.

After breaking into that guy's laptop to try to figure out who Thanatos is; I've come to the conclusion that Nancy is both the sweetest person alive and absolutely goddamn terrifying in equal measure.

Lastly, the cliffhangers are always insane and this was no different. You really know how to blue ball people in the best way possible.

All that being said I can't wait to get back into Eternum itself. Keep up the good work!

I'd just like to ask, and I'm sure a fair few people hated it since they probably had their hand on their dick for most of the game, but are there any plans to do something like the bit where you reunite the creepy ghost mum and daughter in the future? I really enjoyed that even if it did scare me shitless :)

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For sure, there will be things like that!