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Now on 'No One Cares': WHY ARE PEOPLE WEIRD

Sayings, I don't get those. Honesty is NOT the best policy, and that saying is really stupid. IDC if it's just supposed to mean "honesty good" JUST SAY HONESTY GOOD DON'T GO SPEWING STRAIGHT LIES.

"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" yeah you can, just dehydrate it so it desperately needs the water and BAM you made it drink. You could make up a better saying for this shit, or better yet, JUST SAY IT STRAIGHT UP INSTEAD OF IDIOMS THAT DON'T MAKE SENSE.

"cut the mustard" WHAT? I'm sorry, do you regularly CUT MUSTARD in your day to day life cause I know I don't. And even if you do, what does that have to do with something being good or not. If you mean spreading the mustard with a butter knife then wtf is wrong with you. I cannot think of an explanation that makes sense to me personally.

another thing I don't get, so if someone asks about how you're doing just always say ur good. They don't want a real answer, they just want "i'm good hbu" THEN WHY'D YOU FUCKIN ASK. Like I get it's just to be polite or whatever, but fuck being polite, just don't ask in the first place. It's also worse cause when you can't tell if it's a genuine "how are you" or a polite "how are you" and then it's just like tf do I say. I want to say "yeah I'm gud" but like... idk how to do small talk so I don't have a clue how the conversation would continue. Talking to people is hard ok. If you tell someone you're sick and they ask abt it, you're just supposed to say oh I just have a cold or smthn instead of listing what the sickness is like oh I feel very dizzy and blah blah and stuff but I'll be better soon and all, like I know it sounds weird I thought that but like I genuinely had no idea. Now I'm second guessing every single human interaction I've ever had.

Also why do people pretend to like people or whatever. So my friend group we all have this one friend none of us like but we still pretend to like her because... man I just don't get other people. Is any of this shit normal to all of you cause it is far from normal to me. Nothing about other people makes sense, am I the only sane person in the world?