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Thanks for playing! Sadly because of all the useless detail I added that no one will notice (like different random idle animations for different "characters" and different footstep sounds on different surfaces) I didn't have much time to make levels (I should get my priorities straight). But I hope what I did add is enjoyable enough. Thank you for the kind words as well. :)

Ok I just played this as soon as I got home, and the levels I hadn't gotten to yet were just as good! With the knowledge of the little details like the footstep sounds etc, I really noticed it and it made the game feel more complete. I loved the snowy levels, and even though the background was basically just recolored, it was really nice to have the variety in scenery (plus the snowfall was quite nice as well). The platforming itself felt really polished and well tested, and even though there were some tight jumps, I never felt they were unfair. The only bug  I noticed is in one of the snowy levels the robot body would fall through the button-activated moving platform. Other than that, this game is right up there with my favorites of the jam!