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Hi Stakes is gorgeous and plays great! Congrats to the team for all of your hard work for the playtest! Below are a few of the notes I had while playing:

The level size feels good! I like that the size randomly changes as well, makes it feel more fresh in each room. I think that the readability could be a little better on the obstacles though as I found myself running into them often.

I found the space button to be a little overpowered, at least early on. You can really hold space for awhile without much repercussion. I think it might be interesting if early on in your playthrough you have to spend it wisely to get out of tough spots, then get more and more powerful as you continue.

I'd love to see a powerup that slows down the horde, perhaps paired with more collectibles you can get in the level? This way the player could explore the level more for upgrades.

The movement of the horde is really cool and fits the theme. Perhaps an arrow indicator for when they're off screen for those larger levels?

The score definitely helps the replayability, though maybe there could be some local leaderboard for each session so the player can see their progression. An interesting mode would be "no space bar mode" which gives the player an extra badge on that leaderboard.

One special note, I really LOVE LOVE LOVE the addition of the extra track of music when you're in space bar mode. It layers perfectly and makes the whole experience that much more immersive. Great job guys!