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Such an amazing entry! I really love all the art on display here, everything feels really cohesive and matches the incredible music! I personally found the hub a bit clunky to navigate, but the player controls are top notch. The one issue I did end up having was that my health dropped super low and I couldnt find any way to replenish it, with the orange bar that seems to be for that not working. So my one suggestion would be maybe spending some more time on the central hub and making it a little more comprehensive for the player, since that's definitely where I was the most confused. However, that problem is completely overshadowed by just how cool the bosses are! The music, feel of the player, and giant boss designs just go so well together and are definitely the game's high point! There's clearly a lot of love and care being put into this and I'm super excited to see where future versions go!

Thanks a lot for your review! It's give us energy to continue our work <3 We're just taking a small break!!!