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Yeah, I get it. How've you been?


I've been good


good to hear.

Anything interesting happen recently?


not to my knowledge


well, for me, I almost died, failed my exams and probably smthn else I'm forgetting but idk my memory is weird.


how did you almost die?!


uh I got a cold and instead of taking medicine for it like a sane person I said "no, it's just a cold, it's not a big deal" but the cold decided to BECOME a big deal and my heart rate slowed down, I kept vomiting and couldn't eat cause everything I ate just came back up, my blood pressure was low, it was horrible. I'm okay now tho, and I learned my lesson to always take medicine if you have a cold cause if you don't it can lead to your grave.


I'm glad you are ok now


thanks. I even got to stay home from school for a full week cause I needed rest to heal up so that was nice. I also watched Henry Danger in my free time which was also good. And SPECIAL SICK TREATMENT! Food is brought to you, people checking on you every while, WARM SOUP.

fair enough