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Thanks for the taking the time to share your thoughts with me :D I'm really glad that you liked it, and I can understand about favoring 1 character more than others, for sure.

I will definitely think about your comments, especially about a route for King Ronan : )

Yup, we actually had a Kickstarter campaign all ready to go, but I only realized later that if the creator is outside of the US (which I am), they need a US partner with a US address etc etc for the project go forward. 

I am sure it is in the interest of protecting backers, but I do feel like that was a big blow to us. That's why we switched to Indiegogo, but I already knew we were at a disadvantage. 

Anyway, you may have seen that we have put up a profile on Kofi, where you can still donate money to the campaign, but there's no time limit: The nice thing about it is you can contribute a small amount (the price of a coffee). 

If the project ever gets funded, we will proceed. If not, well, I very much enjoyed making the demo and receiving everyone's reactions here nonetheless! Thanks again :D