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Man i love minesweeper! However i think you missed a feature in the original, as in the original minesweeper when you click on a number it cleares all the unflagged squares around it. I'd love it if you could maybe add this in any future updates, that would make this perfect! I still love it tho and the themes are super cool!!

Thanks for the feedback! This should work in the desktop version. You need to left click while holding down the right mouse button. I believe there was an actual bug with Gamemaker's html export when I raised this with them that stops it from working in browser. I'm hoping to get back to this project soon and fix a few issues and add more features. Will take me a while to get through my spaghetti code though!

This should now be fixed with the web version. I've only tested it on Firefox so let me know if you have any issues with a different browser. Enjoy!