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(1 edit)

I wanted to find out the same thing before I install the new update is it 100% safe? Has anyone installed it to check? I honestly really like the game and I would like to play it safely.  

nothing has happened with mine; foreign files are often marked as malware even when they're not by computers, its just a safety precaution. the mods have stated, as seen in other comments, that it is a false positive. its not dangerous.


Hello! I'm the mod being referenced in many of the comments.  I can assure you that there is no trojan virus in the code.  This is a problem that has been reported before and ClanGen is also frequently flagged and deleted by most AntiVirus programs.  The FAQ above does mention this.   Keep in mind that the code is completely open source and free to view at any time by anyone, so anyone who is worried can view the code for themselves to check for anything malicious.  Additionally, we have many coders who contribute to the game and review any code that is going to be added, especially when it's code from someone new, so it's unlikely that any viruses would ever end up in the code.