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The art style of the game drew me in and I thought I'd give it a try. The art is amazing! The manic expressions were well done and they definitely conveyed the horror theme well. For a first game, it's nicely executed! I especially love the monochrome. As a renpy user myself who's trying to get the hang of things, I thought I'd give a few tips for your future projects. First off, I noticed that the sprites change sizes between expressions. I found that an easy way to keep this from happening is to keep your canvas size consistent when drawing. I found about 720 pixels high seems to work best. Also, if you go into the game files and select the one titled 'GUI' you can change all sorts of things about the game, like the textbox and the choice buttons by replacing the preset images with your own. First projects are hard, (Believe me I know, I'm still working on mine) so it's such an amazing accomplishment to complete one! Keep up the good work! :)

Thank you so much for playing! Yeah, I had issues with the scale and even tried scaling them to fit but it didn't work lol. I got scared to change the GUI but I do want to experiment more with custom work in the future. Thank you so much for your insight and words of encouragement. It means a lot! Good luck with your project!