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(7 edits) (+1)

Hey there again, Caribdis!

Being a gal of word, promising to support either via Patreon or otherwise possible, here I am again !

Buut, before so, I'm having a.. well difficult question about supporting on Patreon. Turns out I can donate some hard earned bucks to this project, but I can't certainly do that for a longer time span, so I can't continuously donate in a regular manner, as I need to keep check on my monthly bills, so this kinda became a principal I avoid an rather donate a good amount I know for sure I can give away. So much for a background to this.

So my tiny issue is: I simply don't wanna appear (humbily) 'generous' and rude the same time when donating - let's say - 50 bucks, while I only can do so once and at the same time get the Tier five donation boni on/in discord. So I just wanted to check personally with you, if this is okay and in your sense.  What I would be able to support you with regularly, is localization work, if this isn't being taken care of already! (Gonna talk it in detail when I'm able to join the discord then if you'd like to still.)

(Seeing you're kinda managing the comments right now, tonymack21, thanks for buying Caribdis some time with that, btw! Poor boy must be exhausted meanwhile with answering fifty posts a day in here daily. Would you pretty-please ask Caribdis instead of me, if he's too busy to check on the comments with working on that lovely game right now? :) We've shortly exchanged about this in here, about two weeks ago. Thanks in advance! ♥ )

Much love, 
Aurelia R. 💋

hi Aureila! ya he does work like  a madman, and we are making him take a break lol.   

Cari always appreciates all support regardless of amount, there are many people who come in and out with donations as they are able, or only at release times to get the new chapter early, there is nothing to feel bad about. everything matters.

as far as translations, Cari always welcomes the community to translate the game into their native language if they have the know how. We currently have community members who translate the game into Korean and Chinese, so if you know another language and know how to work with Renpy that would be awesome.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the friendly response, Tony! Looks like we'll meet in Disc soonish and as it seems, my native isn't being in the works already. I may only have some basic understanding with Renpy so far, but as I'm versed with modding games since (too many) years and am around people that circle too, I am quickly fiddling my way into it I think.

So I'd saaay: Let's see if this works out, but as far as I can judge I think we're already getting along greatly! Looking forward to it!

Readya in Discord, just need to do a godly donation rl quick. : )

💋 Aurelia