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(1 edit)

Hi, I saw the YouTuber Doflanico playing this game and I agree with him, it's really cool but also really short

Unluckly, im not an expert so I don't really know how to code or anything but I have some ideas to make your game better

1:Make some chapters


Chapter 1: When Pikachu got cursed 

Here, Sacha could try to find an evolution stone but it got cursed by an unknow demon or something

(I don't have ideas for the others chapters) 

2:Make customs character


You could make customs clothes or just make random presets that we, players could use


You could make some achivements so we can custom the Pikachu or even choose our own pokemon bc maybe some hate Pikachu (I don't hate Pikachu) 

4:Different endings

You could make an ending where we die to Pikachu and someone else see the corpse and tell the police to find who did it but the police don't find any proof and then leave

5:Different maps

Bc a black labyrinth is not really scary and it's not really original (for me) 

So you could put some blood or things like that to decorate the labyrinth


Pikachu could put some traps like things who make noises so the Pikachu notice the sound and goes on the trap


Bc if you add traps, that will be a lot harder for the player and that will be a lot unfair

So you could put +1 life  (watch my next suggestion) or something like that

8:limited lifes

Bc if we continue to spam our spacebar, it will explode like a Creeper(Ik, im not funny) 

And that all, you can do it if you want to, youre not obligated to do all of it (Or just doing it) , it's just suggestions

Bye and thanks if you read untill here ^^