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I must say, this game, for a demo, very long, my single run took 20 hours and this is incredible, lookin’ at gallery at witch house i understand that for 20 hours of gameplay there still content to be discovered and this is awesome. Story of each character, in my opinion, unique and deserved to be learned. If i had money I would definitely buy this game.

But there is unpleasant minuses. While playing i meet several problems that enraged me, crushes, save file corruption and next disappearance, and one of the most drain-full moments in Finhead reign when you exiting it and first thing that happen all your characters take damage from water and you can’t switch to someone who can breath underwater because they die quickly and you cant get them up by giving em food because it poping bubble and you start taking damage again. I already know how obtain necessary item to breath underwater but before that i used dragon that i obtained from some merchant that belong to Queen (i know that since daycare showing to who progeny belong to) and used Cardinal Bell on him until my most valuable “son” became sea-dragon.

This game is great and i would definitely buy it when i have money. But this demon need to be upgraded.


Oops, i meant 43 hours not 20, my bad