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These are all machine translations🤖,my English very poor.

  I don't know how to write a review without spoilers? So there will be a little spoiler, but not much😣.It's just a few thoughts. I really, really restrained myself to write down a lot of sentences and ideas.

  All I can say is that everyone has a great story, and it's great to explore the game in a different way.

  I love this game😉! The music is great, the graphics are great, the story is powerful, and the game feels great.excuse me,I'm not a professional, so I don't give useful advice😔. I really have to say that the music fits! There are a lot of places where I feel really emotional. Some of them were even really scared, many times I called out😱. The picture line becomes more detailed, likes the artistic expression form very much.

  The performance was really good. The subtitle changes are great. There are many detailed plots, and the feeling of walking in different order will really be different.The story is really some very funny some good want to make people cry😭😂.It took a lot of friends to find the order to see Padar😭. We didn't understand the map at first, but it was nice to be scolded by Jeff~😇

  Some puns I need to work on later.English very poor… But now I know the relationship between Jatay's name and his jaw😂. I even choked when I understood the pun. It was so funny.And what a cute mouth. ****will happen, but it's so cute🥰.

  I think I talk too much, Sorry.Some last words. I want call Dice them“sexy~~” and call classic“dicy~~.”🥰It's funny to call them that lol.I really love Varai. Sorry, Jeff, and, uh, I'm sorry, Jatay😱.

  All right, Padar, what I'm trying to say is, I did scream. Then the game help interface told me it wouldn't help me, which made me scream and laugh💢💢.But the last option satisfies some of that curiosity, thank you. I'm really looking forward to our next meeting.But I don't want to rush ! Thanks again for the work. I really enjoyed it🥰!


thank yoy very much! your words make me smile a lot!