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I hate myself. Idk, whatever.

Basically, this morning everyone went to the mall and I kinda didn't wanna go bit at the same time I did wanna go. I thought, well I might regret it if I don't go so I went. And it was OK ig at first. We went to this ice cream place and got mint chocolate chip ice cream. Then we went to thise store that mainly sells plushies and products like face masks or handbags or books and I got this fun thing like a cape hoodie thing... it might've been for babies but who gives a fuck. Then we went to this other place and I got a thing to write Korean in to help me learn some words. I think after this is where it kinda of started to... downhill. We went wherever blah blah uh... I wanted to go to this place to look at stuff cuz it was really cool and we met my sisters there whatever blah blah and we looked at the play station stuff and there was Gang Beasts there and Little Nightmares. I really wanted them and clearly I wasn't the only one. Instead they got funko pops, my sisters. Idk why... I felt kinda upset. They were funko pops I actually wanted btw, Black Clover funko pops which is so cool. This was when I started to feel back pain and hate walking so much without sitting down. We basically went broke cuz of the funky papas and so we looked at other stuff but didn't buy anything. Basically, since we need to eat, they concluded we return some stuff we bought blah blah whatever. Our other fried cam, right one of our friends was already there anyway our other friend came... we'll call her Sloth and the first friend is Bear. Anyway Bear brought her boyfriend, who is rude as shit. Ugh whatever whatever Then we got burgers from Wendy's and we mis-ordered a burger, my sister wanted beef and they said chicken so... she was gonna just not eat it. Instead, I gave her my burger and offered I take hers. We swapped and... I didn't want to eat that burger but I was hungry and I'm not gonna say "no I want my burger back, you can starve" so I just ate it and desperately missed my own burger. But what're you gonna do. I felt crap. The rest of the day was even more crap. My sister won't let me sleep on the couch even tho I want to, I don't know I just idk. It wasn't even that bad a day... I just... I don't know. 

My life currently is that scene in the new episode of TOH with Willow where she's basically having a mental breakdown but trying to keep everything together and just going "I can do this I can do this I can do this" over and over.

Just forget it, this was stupid, I don't even know why I'm upset, it wasn't that bad.


Your feelings aren't irrational,just remember bro


I know. I just don't know. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I don't know. Whatever.