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ah, a comment I disagree with.

In My opinion I think that it is a good marketing idea. while I do admit I have no idea how their current budget looks like, this is a good way to give more content into the game that doesn't need to completely fit into the main game's story.

It's sort of a "what if" scenario, as is the other DLC, of how our MC would react in different stories. These stories can then add new content that can draw in new customers to the main game as well as gain some extra cash from old/returning customers to continue the main game or even add another piece of staff to hasten it's development to appease those bashing on them to finish it.

also I liked the winter DLC that I got with the 0.7 download and may be being defensive of the series that I've grown to love despite how  difficult the combat was in the aforementioned DLC due to having it's stats set in stone, but as I mentioned before: different story = no carry over stats to keep it balanced.