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I think that if the same people who made this game didn't make sexual, this would still be an amazing game. You've taken my lousy expectations of a porn game and raised them through the roof, thank you! You've outdone yourselves and the quality of this game goes to support it (The easter eggs are great as well).

The only quips that I have with this game are minor, such as the sombra route and sobra quests not being a consistent timeline (Not really important for a porn game but for a visual novel it might want to be considered.)

I don't know how much I want to play any future updtates of the game because I fear that all my progress will be lost, and though the game is of very high quality in art, characters, and worldbuilding, the replayability of this game does not give me a personal want to load and reload the game.

TLDR, great game. - 8/10


Thank you!!

The problem with timelines are something we're aware of and will try to fix in later updates, to keep everything immersive. Sombra will be the first one to get those for sure.

In regard of losing progress, that shouldn't happen, since saves are transferred automatically in between updates. You just need to install new build, and all your saves will already be there. Also, in the worst case scenario, you can always skip to new content when starting new game, which will unlock everything, but the content of the latest update. This feature is there in case you actually lost your progress for some reason, though we're doing our best to make sure it doesn't happen.