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(1 edit)

Hey thanks for the feedback! I have to say that this version is quite outdated and you may get the wrong impression with regard to the final version. The main problem is that it is written in Javascript and runs on HTML5. Hence the optimization is all over the place, so expect to have some technical problems :).

Currently, I'm working on the rest of the game with the Unity engine. And I intend to port this episode also. So, maybe it is better just to wait for the final Unity port (although it may take some time).  

In any case, if there are any bugs or other issues then any feedback is always welcomed!

Thanks for the quick reply and update. The only issue I had was I can't have the game in full view as my browser will overlap the edges, even in full screen, and I did have a couple of freezes, again, most likely down to my using the Brave browser. The nostalgia factor was the main attraction for me and I had to mention the gun, as it used to bother me back when I played it in the early 90s that bullets just appeared from the main character.

I'll certainly keep a look out for if/when you make a Unity engine version. Thanks again, Rick.