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I'm brazillian, and my first experience with this game was so many years ago, the game just had it Tracer's Rote, I was so in love with the idea of the game and because of that I just kept playing it.

The years have passed and I need to admit that I forgot the gameat all, and yesterday all the things just came back to my mind, and seeing that I am a really horny person I felt the urge to know if the game still was a thing, and boy it is, you guys are doing such a great job, for real, all the arts and scenarios are incredible, and dude, you guys really know how to do great storylines even with the fact that is a lewd game, I almost didn't sleep last night because I was so happy playing this thing, and even inspired me to do my lewd things again that I miss so much, just me and my girl knows how much I loved Andre's Rote (Top 3 waifu btw, hope to see more about her).

I really hope a Portuguese version of the game soon or later, I would play from the start again just to know more about the history, because you know, my english is not good at all, if I could I would pay anything right now to have a complete, even greater and longer version of the game, I'm really happy with this experience, you guys are just fantastic.

And please, PLEASE make a version that we go out and do the things with the boys, McCree is so fucking hot, and let us have a chance with Pharah too.

(i write things if you guys wants a brazillian help :D)


Thank you so much! We're really glad you liked our game <3

And yes, Andre is the best girl. Objectively. You can't change our minds. 

Portuguese version is planned, and as soon as we start working on translations, it will be one of the first languages added.

Content with the boys is coming too!