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Bad Storytime:

One time in school we were doing an experiment where the teacher asked us to bring white roses to class, living ones, not seeds, and then we would put them in water dyed blue for a few days and come back to check on it. Before this, she asked a question, she asked "why are we doing this?" And I raised my hand along with many other people. She called on someone else who said smthn I don't remember what but it was probably smthn stupid, then a few others who all said the stupidest answers ever and repeated other people's answers whom we already established were wrong it was a whole thing. No one had said my answer yet so I kept my hand up but at the same time I started to become so afraid of being wrong that my hand kind of lowered but it was still raised. I was so nervous, you have no idea. My hand was shaking and I cpuld barely keep myself together. The teacher then called on me, I said my answer and she said "OH MY GOD!" but like in an annoyed way and I thought that meant I was wrong so I just sat down and when I tell you I was gonna actually fucking cry... I was holding back tears, I felt so embarrassed and so upset, then she said it was the right answer and I got praised and I was like "oh- great..." as I silently had a mental breakdown. Horrible.