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OBS: The third help text is kind of hard to read, because it's outside of the window. But it says C for double jump, although that didn't work for me. I found that D seems to work (i'm using a keyboard).

I notice that the robot has a spherical collision shape, which to me is super frustrating in platform games. I fall of a platform if the player is centered above its edge.

There is no acceleration/deceleration which also makes it a little hard to manage walking small distances.

It would have been great if there was a checkpoint after the tutorial part! I'm pretty far from a pro gamer, so I got to play the tutorial many times :P

Another platformer thing that you could consider next time is that spikes and enemies should be hinted or visible before continuing . This can either be done by  moving the camera like super mario where it is locked in a position while in an area or by designing the levels so that they are visible with a player centered camera.

Some damage indication would be nice, I often didn't understand why i lost lives!

Can't hear any sounds at all, some nice chiptune music and some effects would have been raised the experience!

Good effort, well done and hope you keep it up!


Thank you! I am after all just 12 ;D


I wish I would have gotten into it that early. That is truly great! Hope you had fun doing it, and keep it up! :⁠-⁠)